With this motto Asperia Health Care Ltd organized a breast cancer awareness campaign at Asian University for Women campus today. Dr. Fahmida Alam, cancer specialist, Chittagong Medical College Hospital discussed the main topic of breast cancer in the seminar. . Dr.Ali Azgar Chowdhury, Assistant Professor, Clinical Oncology, Chittagong Medical College Hospital and Dr. Mohammad Abdur Rob, Associate Professor, Medicine, Chittagong Medical College Hospital participated in the panel discussion. Dr. Nazmul Alam, Assosiate Professor, Public Health, Asian University for Women was present as a moderator in the event. In the campaign , the speakers highlighted the symptoms, statistics and preventive actions of breast cancer with the aim of increasing awareness among female students. Asperia Health Care Ltd. provided free screening services in continuation of this. Public Health Club,AUW was in support to ornament the event with their proficient expertize.